How to buy lot
Step 1: Homepage
To find a WL that interests you, go to the "Marketplace" tab and find the item you want. You can also use the search.
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Step 2: Marketplace
Use sorting and filters to find what you need. You can sort the offers by price or rating, as well as specify a price range, project network (where the fundraising will take place)
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Step 3: Explore
You can put items that interest you into "Favorites" by clicking on the "heart" and return to them later. Or immediately buy WL by clicking "Buy whitelist".
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Step 4: Product detail
All information is available on the product page: photos, description, specifications. Read this information and follow the next steps.
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Step 5: Checkout.
Before ordering, read what other customers have reviewed about the seller
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Step 6: Complete Checkout
After viewing more information about the project, click on "Buy whitelist" to proceed to checkout.
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Step 7: Complete purchase.
Click "complete purchase" in the final checkout window to proceed with payment.
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Step 8: MetaMask
Confirm the transaction in the MetaMask window that opens
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Step 9: Purchase Successful
Congratulations, now you can go to your personal cabinet and view the details of your purchase or go back to the Marketplace and make more amazing purchases.
Last updated