To minimize the fact of fraud by users, our service introduces a tacit rule for crypto-enthusiasts in the form of a deposit when selling accounts.
You can not make a deposit when posting a lot for sale, but in this case you will have a corresponding marker in the ad and when you see this the buyer will probably skip your lot, and will buy it from the seller with a deposit. After all, it is considered a safe deal.
The size of the deposit depends on the required allocation to the corresponding project. For example individual allocation to the project Min 0.1 BNB - MAX 0.5 BNB, if the seller leaves a deposit of 0.5 BNB - green light turns on next to his lot, which indicates that the seller made a deposit of maximum allocation. For the buyer such an indicator is more than acceptable and most likely he will buy a lot in this project from this Seller.
There is a safety scale:
Where 🟢 (80-100% of the deposit made) indicates that the seller made a deposit of the maximum allocation or so;
Where 🟠 (50-79%) indicates that the seller has not made a deposit in the amount of the full allocation (and indicates the number of %)
Where 🔴 (0-49%) indicates that the seller did not make a deposit at all or made a deposit but below the appropriate level.
Last updated